Creative Living Fellowship (“CLF”) is a loving, diverse, inclusive Religious Science community that honors all paths that lead to God. We believe in the unity of all of life, and that each of us is a unique, individualized expression of God. Our deepest intention is to be a community of love, care, and connection that opens hearts, expands consciousness, and transforms lives. Using ancient wisdom teachings, and the principles and practices of the Science of Mind and Spirit, we offer spiritual tools for living that individuals can use in every aspect of their everyday lives. Through the constant, consistent practice of the simple yet profound Truth: “Change Your Thinking; Change Your Life,” we all are enabled to live our best possible lives in peace and prosperity, love, joy, harmony, and so much more. Simply… CLF is truly “a place for everyone!”
We are a spiritual community in which love, respect, and acceptance of all beings is fundamental. With open hearts, we remain centered in our union with God, practicing unconditional love, expanding in consciousness, and transforming our lives, as we walk each other home.​
We envision a world of plenty, where all needs are abundantly met, and we all live in peaceful coexistence. Because we understand our oneness with God, and with each other, we co-create this world using the Principles and Practices of the Science of Mind and Spirit, the energy of Unconditional Love, and by consistently living the following Sacred Practices:​
Affirmative Prayer
Giving and Receiving